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martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010

Advantages of Immigration

The impact if the immigrationsare getting a lot advantages for the receiving countries because, in almost of cases open a door of new opportunities and successfully to this place. Some immigrants take unwanted jobs which aren’t common in there region, for example: people in USA didn’t like dangerous jobs or hands works like agriculture, construction. However, for this nation is very important that immigrant takes these activities because that increases the economy. In addition the immigrant enrich the local culture, because this people incorporate new foods, music, dances, styles of life and others. In conclusion, immigration offer opportunities, and some of the take unwanted jobs, by the way, that enrich the local culture.


· Edwin Bryant, P. M. (13 de September de 2007). Human migration. Recuperado el 20 de 10 de 2010, de New world ecyclopedia: http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Human_migration

· Society, N. G. (2005). What is Human Migration?Recuperado el 20 de 10 de 2010, de What is Human Migration?http://www.nationalgeographic.com/xpeditions/lessons/09/g68/migrationguidestudent.pdf

1 comentario:

  1. In many countries of America foreigners do hard work that nobody wants to do, however this working help the local economy, but in many countries the pay is very bad for foreigners.
